14,99 €
Correas de Levantamiento para Weightlifting, Powerlifting, Peso Muerto etc. Ultra resistentes y acolchadas en la zona de la muñeca.
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Las correas de levantamiento X-Raisers de Earwaves te permitirán maximizar tu capacidad de levantamiento de forma segura y eficiente. Su propósito es mantener un grip fuerte asegurando que la barra no resbale, y con ellas podrás concentrarte totalmente en el proceso de levantamiento/pull sin malgastar energía en el agarre.
Hechas de Algodón altamente duradero suave al tacto que ofrece comodidad y una alta transpirabilidad evitando posibles deslizamientos y perdidas en el agarre. Además este material posee una alta resistencia al desgarro y agrietamiento.
Ademas del elevado agarre que ofrece el algodón, estas correas están impresas con un texto de goma que reduce aun más posibles deslizamientos para reforzar en movimientos de tracción.
La parte de interior de las X-Raises en contacto con la muñeca esta recubierta de una capa acolchada de neopreno de 5mm de grosor con interior de gel.
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Buena calidad, resistentes y cómodas - Compra verificada en |
Tenía problemas con el peso muerto cuando llegaba a pesos altos, se me cargaban mucho los antebrazos y no me sentía cómodo al hacer el levantamiento, compré estas correas con el fin de mejorar ese hándicap y la verdad es que han funcionado a la perfección, levanté mi RM de 180kg y la verdad es que es muy cómodo, las correas aguantaron a la perfección y encima tienen un diseño que me encanta. |
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gute Zughilfen - Compra verificada en |
Das Produkt wurde schnell geliefert und an der Verarbeitung gibt es nichts zu bemängeln.Das Anlegen geht leicht von Hand. Jetzt kann man diese als Unterstützung bei div. Übungen (z.B. Kreuzheben) zu benutzen. Auch beim größten Stiernacken lässt irgendwann die GK (Griffkraft) nach. Und so kann einem schon mal die Stange, die unter dem massiven Gewicht am ächzen ist, aus der Hand rutschen. Passiert dann nicht, wenn man solche Zughilfen benutzt. Also im Großen und Ganzen ein gutes Produkt. |
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Sehr gute Qualität - angenehm zu tragen - Compra verificada en |
Die gepolsterten Zughilfen haben mich direkt beim ersten Training überzeugt. Sind sehr leicht zu verwenden und die dünne Polsterung sit sehr angenehm auf der Haut und kompensiert ein wenig den ausgeübten Druck. Mit den Zughilfgen ist man in der Lage bei verschiedenen Übungen den beanspruchenten Muskel noch mehr zu fokussieren. |
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Good strong straps - Compra verificada en |
Earwaves ® X-Raisers Lifting Straps - Cotton weightlifting straps with gel-filled neoprene wrist protectionI must admit, during my years of weight training when I was younger. We had never used or even seen any straps of this type, the only strap we used was a good sturdy lifting belt. I can see the benefit of the straps when attempting that heavy lift.These certainly are well made, they do appear to have a good deal of strength in them. The webbing used is quite thick and tough, they are well stitched and look unlikely to fail. There is a soft neoprene pad sewn in where the strap sits on the wrist, making these comfortable to wear when taking the strain of those heavy weights.When worn, there is an excess of strap that measures approximately 25 cm for wrapping around the bar. These are tough and comfortable to wear, they are more than capable of doing the job they are designed for.CONTENTS:2 x Lifting StrapsThank you for reading my review, I hope you have found it helpful. |
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Instructions would be nice. Well made straps - Compra verificada en |
Earwaves ® X-Raisers Lifting Straps - Cotton weightlifting straps with gel-filled neoprene wrist protectionWhen I opened the packet I was quite confused on how to set them up for use. To be honest once I looked at a video online it was very obvious. So now for what I think. Well, they sure are heavy duty, way more than what I could ever need them for but when you are pushing yourself the bar does become the problem to keep grip.They definitely assist you in heavy lift and would highly recommend them. |
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Straps - Compra verificada en |
Good for gym |
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Comfortable straps that perform well - Compra verificada en |
I have often been a little frustrated in the past that my grip strength often gives out before my actual body strength does (especially on deadlifts and bent over rows).These lifting straps are comfortable and I am immediately seeing an improvement in the number of repetitions that I can do on certain moves.Other reviewers have already pointed out that the straps do not come with instructions. Thankfully, one of the other reviewers pointed out a great video (which is just over 5 minutes in length), which I watched and also recommend. The YouTube channel is called 'Five Starr Physique' (with two 'r' letters in Starr) and the particular video is called 'Lifting Straps - How to use wrist straps for bodybuilding'.Overall, a sturdy pair of lifting straps that are already boosting my performance. Just do watch that instruction video or ask an experienced user to show you how to tie them correctly for each hand. |
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Get a grip! - Compra verificada en |
I ordered these straps because the ones I've been happily using for many years are well past their sell-by-date. These earwaves ones have proven to be an excellent replacement. They are well made, and I particularly like the neoprene padded section which gives added support when gripping the bar. I use them primarily for dead-lifting, although I also find them useful for other exercises like lat pull-downs and dumb-bell shoulder shrugs.I've been working out in gyms for many years now, so I'm well aware of how to use them correctly. Others won't know how to use them though - so it's a shame there are no instructions enclosed with the product, or at least a link to a demonstration video - so supplier take note! No worries though, because YouTube will put you on the right track. There is a clip by Five Star Physique entitled: Lifting Straps - How to use wrist straps for bodybuilding. Another useful video is: Complete Guide to LIFTING STRAPS by Barbell Logic, which explains and demonstrates How, Why, and When to use these kind of straps. As wrist straps go these are excellent and I have no hesitation in recommending them. |
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Wish I had had these in my twenties - Compra verificada en |
I used to weight lift a lot when I was younger and I had some cheap lifting straps that flaming hurt when I used them!These are brilliant they are designed by people that know what they are for!I think I could beat my old record of 367kg deadlift with these!No painful pinching on the wrists with these, they are designed to aid rather than make you wish you hadn't started!Can't recommend more, excellent lifting straps! |
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Comfortable - Compra verificada en |
I’m new to using straps and although there’s an insert in the packaging it doesn’t actually give instructions as to how to use. Fortunately my trainer has taken me through the basics of using them properly for things like deadlifts otherwise it would have been good old YouTube. They are comfortable to wear with decent padding. They’ve been through the washing machine once so far on a cool wash and came out fine. At £15 the price seems about right as they do seem pretty good quality. |
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Useful in the gym! - Compra verificada en |
My husband said are very useful and very qualitative!He use them in the gym and are easy to use and qualitative!Are a great value for money and comfortable! |
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stabil, liegen gut an, schnell und einfach ???? - Compra verificada en |
So muss das sein, anlegen und los trainieren.Verwende Zughilfen, um damit mehr Gewichte beim Rudern zu schaffen. Klappt gut und bis jetzt alles bestens. |
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Fester Sitz gute Stütze - Compra verificada en |
So rutsche ich wesentlich weniger ab und werde im Handgelenk gut gestützt |
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Kann ich nur empfehlen - Compra verificada en |
Super verarbeitet! Super Qualität. Schnüren überhaupt nicht. Im Gegenteil, durch die Polsterung extrem angenehm. Preis-Leistung stimmt. |
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Good workout - instructions for beginners would be useful - Compra verificada en |
The Earwaves X-Raisers lifting straps are perfect for when I am in the gym. The gel-filled wrist support is perfect for keeping my wrist secure when lifting on my heavy sets; they are more importantly, comfortable.The only issue that I can think of relating to this product is that there were no instructions included in the packaging that show the consumer how to apply the wrist wraps correctly. I had to get somebody at the gym who was using something similar to show use them. The person at the gym showed me how to use them correctly. Once I was shown how to use them correctly I have to say that they worked very well for me.The fabric is ok and they are made very well.So no complaints on the quality.Priced well and I would definitely recommend them.If you found this review helpful please click below thank you |
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Good straps for added grip - Compra verificada en |
These are a good quality strap that does the job. Personally, I don't lift heavy enough weights to NEED these, but they are nice to have, and even using straps when you don't NEED to will give you an extra bit of oomph and help you lift that little bit heavier.The idea is that the straps will give you extra grip around the bar when lifting heavy weights, so if you haven't used these before, you may need help setting them up. There are no instructions, but I think that instructions would be useless anyway, much better idea to ask someone who knows, or check out videos on youtube.You basically create a loop around your wrist and wrap the ends a couple of times around the bar. This will give you the peace of mind that the bar won't fall, therefore allowing you to concentrate on the lift.Again, these do the job perfectly. They are well made and durable. therefore, highly recommended. |
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Easy to use - Compra verificada en |
These are so easy to wrap and fit and they do stay well in place. Makes my gym workouts much easier. Great quality. |
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Great for powerlifting - Compra verificada en |
These weightLifting Straps are a great accessory for anyone into weightlifting. I love the black and blue color which is fast as well and doesn't bleed onto your skin of wet.Initially the straps are a little stiff which goes away once they are broken into. Great accessory for lifting weights slightly out of your league. Anti-slip material, prevents calluses and supports the wrists when lifting heavy.Definitely helps you get that last set in when your grip strength is starting to fatigue. |
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Guter Schutz vor Schwielen und Griffsicherheit . . . - Compra verificada en |
Zughilfen verwende ich eigentlich nur zum Schutz der Handinnenflächen.Da ich berufsbedingt Probleme hätte mit Schwielen und eingerissene Handinnenflächen zu arbeiten, verwende ich entweder Handschuhe oder Straps.Hauptsächlich beim Kreuzheben kommen die Lifting Straps zum Einsatz, manchmal an der Rudermaschine.Die Polsterung der Zughilfen ist eigentlich genau richtig, nicht zu dünn aber auch nicht zu dick.Generell gibt’s an der Verarbeitung nichts auszusetzen und auch der Preis ist absolut Ok! |
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Weich & angenehm am Handgelenk; chic, solide & gut verarbeitet - Compra verificada en |
Die Länge beträgt 52 cm.Optisch wirken die beiden Zughilfen sehr ansprechend.Kreuzheben habe ich bislang mit normalen Trainingshandschuhen gemacht. Da das Gewicht kontinuierlich höher wird, ist es irgendwann so, dass man die Stange nur noch mit den Fingern hält … Die Zughilfen sind in dieser Hinsicht klasse.• das Anlegen der Zughilfen ist zu Beginn ungewohnt• die gerändelten Griffe werden durch das Band verdeckt, sodass man die Griffbreite für sich „neu“ ermitteln muss• mit ca. 10 Sek. pro Hand (zum Anlegen) dauert die Übung insg. etwas länger (dafür sicherer)• wenn es heiß ist, man stark transpiriert und eine Brille trägt, ist es sehr wahrscheinlich, dass der Schweiß zu tropfen beginnt, während man noch beim Festziehen ist (heute erlebt)FAZIT: insgesamt machen die obigen schlichten und stylish wirkenden Zughilfen einen soliden Eindruck. Die Nähte an den Rändern wirken etwas wirr. Sollten sie aufgehen o.Ä., werde ich den Bericht ergänzen. Die zusätzliche Sicherheit beim Kreuzheben ist aber eindeutig. |
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Earwaves ® X-Raisers Lifting Straps - Compra verificada en |
The Earwaves Lifting Straps are a great accessory addition for anyone lifting. They are a little stiff at first and need to be broken in. The padding is a helpful addition that prevents those abrasions from forming on your wrists when lifting heavy.Definitely helps you get that last set in when your grip strength is starting to fatigue. I got the black, and I think the color is great! |
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Comfortable - Compra verificada en |
They don't come with instructions so perhaps they're expecting you to have used similar products before.These are very nice quality straps and much better than others I've tried. Lifting straps are definitely not made equal! They don't interfere with my FitBit watch and the strappy part is not too long so it wraps without being awkward.The quality is excellent, it looks and feels like a premium product. I've machine-washed mine with no ill effects - put them in a laundry bag though. |
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Lack of instructions lets down a good product - Compra verificada en |
These are great straps - I'm really not happy that the company hasn't included instructions on how to wear them, as it's not immediately obvious if you haven't used them before - fortunately there are many videos available online that will show you how, if you need to see.They consist of a strap of thick cotton webbing with a loop on one end (it feels very similar to a judo belt). You thread the end through the loop, and put your hand through so that it wraps around your wrist with the end running alongside your thumb. As you grip the bar, you wrap the rest of the strap around it.The weight of your lift tightens the strap as you pull. It's used to reinforce your grip strength - when you're doing very heavy deadlifts beyond your ability to maintain a reliable grip, or if you're doing a lot of reps to exhaustion, perhaps.There is rubberised text on one side (it's not visible from a distance as its black print on a black material) which helps to grip the bar a bit - the text is 'indomitable will'.Overall I really like this product, but the lack of instructions is very disappointing. |
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Well made and ideal for heavy lifting - Compra verificada en |
These straps come with no instructions and try as I mightI could not work out how to use them. I took them down to my gym and two of the trainers showed an interest and soon put me to rights. The took me to the dead lift station but on trying to put them only wrists found they were too big. One of the trainers put them on and showed me how the gel pad was placedon wrist and how to put strap on bar and tighten it by turinng bar. Perfect deadlifts were the result. He then did a 10 minute workout on bar. Both trainers gave the opinion that these were well made and ideal for heavy lifting |
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Happy Wrists - Replacement for my worn out pair - Compra verificada en |
These wrist straps slip on easily and are made of a durable material. The rubber attached, grips well onto various attachments in the gym and helps with heavy lifting, such as back days however they do not have anywhere near as much grip as my previous ones. These are now crucial to my workouts and helps with my grip exponentially, especially with dead lifts and lateral pull downs. However they could be slightly longer and the earwaves logo is visually obtrusive which could have done with more neutral colours. |
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Very good - Compra verificada en |
These Earwave x raisers lifting straps are high quality padded straps. Used for gripping bar when heavy lifting. They are easy to use and found they work well. Very good instructions of use on earwave website. |
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Useful in the gym! - Compra verificada en |
My husband said are very useful and very qualitative!He use them in the gym and are easy to use and qualitative!Are a great value for money and comfortable! |
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