Comba R3 basic

12,90 €

Comba de PVC de entrenamiento ligera y con ejes rotatorios metálicos sin fricciones. Tu comba de entrada para dominar los Double Unders.


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Ligereza, durabilidad, eficiencia

La comba para CrossFit de Earwaves es una comba super ligera con agarres de plástico de calidad y que te permitirá saltar a gran velocidad gracias a sus rodamientos de plástico PP super ligeros que giran a un ritmo increíble y a su cable flexible anti enredos de acero con un recubrimiento protector de PVC.

Comba Earwaves de iniciacion

Portatil y ligera.

Nuestra comba pesa tan solo 115g y viene con una bolsa de transporte de malla para que puedas llevarte a entrenar como una bestia como y donde quieras. Lo mangos miden 16cm cada uno y el agarre es del forma circular 360º.

Longitud Ajustable

El cable de acero flexible con un recubrimiento protector de PVC tiene una longitud de 3 metros totalmente ajustables de forma super sencilla gracias a su sistema Easy-To-Adjust con el que podrás ajustar la comba a tu medida ideal fácilmente y sin que se enrede.

Comba Earwaves longitud ajustable

Revienta tus WOD

Ideal para Cardio, Double-unders (Saltos dobles), CrossFit, Boxeo, MMA, Fitness, Artes marciales, HIIT, Perdida de peso, etc. Entrena con máximas repeticiones e intensidad mientras mejoras en tu coordinación y agilidad con la comba ultra-speed para CrossFit de Earwaves.

Comba de velocidad Earwaves

Comba de velocidad Earwaves
Uso de comba de velocidad Earwaves


Average rating: 4.5/5 - Number of reviews: 86
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rating Resistencia, ergonómica y facil de transportar - Compra verificada en

Sandra lm on 2018-12-18

Desde que probé esta marca siempre la compro, el material es super resistente con un modelo muy ergonómico y facil de tramsportar.Las manillas de la comba se mueven sin necesidad de esfuerzo.Muy recomendable
rating Comba Crossfit - Compra verificada en

Ana M. on 2018-12-29

Fue difícil decidir porque hay muchas similares pero esta me gusto por los colores blancos de los mangos. La verdad es que después de usarla es una comba excelente, le he puesto diferentes ajustes porque soy bajita y se ajusta perfectamente sin desenroscarse la pieza metálica (ya me había pasado con otras). La cuerda tiene un recubrimiento de plástico para que el cable no haga tanto daño ni dañe el suelo, gira muy bien para alcanzar rapidez y lo mejor de todo es el peso de los manguitos. En otras combas los mangos son demasiado ligeros y no tienes ese control que se necesita para saltar a buen ritmo. Esta comba tiene unos mangos con una parte interior como de aluminio o algo así que hace que los mangos sean algo pesados y le da un equilibrio muy bueno. Como detalle viene con una bolsa, viene de lujo, aunque es cierto que muchas la traen. En definitiva buena comba para el precio y la calidad que tiene.
rating Calidad precio muy bueno - Compra verificada en

Jesús Ruiz Lucas on 2018-12-20

Probadas en WOD haciendo saltos dobles y sorprendentemente buenas dado su precio. La verdad es que puedes ir a la velocidad que quieras con esta comba y comparado con otras que he tenido o las del propio box, se traba muy poco. ¡Con ese precio no se puede pedir más la verdad!
rating Relación precio-calidad - Compra verificada en

Álvaro Benito on 2018-12-22

Esta comba me parece una pasada. Sin gastarse una gran cantidad de dinero tienes un producto que en mano se nota resistente y duro. Además te llega pronto y en nada puedes empezar a usarla.Desde que empiezas con los productos de esta marca te das cuenta de que tienes grandes cosas sin dejarte todo el dinero. Productos buenos, cómodos y resistentes.¿Qué más se puede pedir?
rating Perfecto calidad / precio - Compra verificada en

Adrian on 2018-12-20

Muy ergonómicas para realizar el Wod de Crossfit. Los rodamientos giran perfectamente y es muy ligera.Muy parecida a las que encuentro en mi Box.Compra totalmente recomendada!
rating Tal cual la descripción - Compra verificada en

nacho Lh on 2019-01-25

La compre porque me la recomendaron en mi Box de CrossFit porque algunos la tenían. Muy buena comba calidad precio para double unders , gira bien, no se enreda y va de lujo. El vendedor muy bueno y atento contactando tras la compra para ver cómo va todo. Muy buena gestión. Recomendado para CrossFit.
rating Buena compra - Compra verificada en

Cliente Amazon on 2020-04-21

Buena calidad
rating Cumple su función - Compra verificada en

Miguel on 2019-03-05

La comba se ve robusta y funciona perfectamente, no se lía ni se hacen nudos al guardarla. La única pega es que, si la usas descalzo, como te des con ella en el pie duele bastante.
rating Comba muy rápida y de buena calidad - Compra verificada en

Cliente Amazon on 2020-04-15

Es una comba muy rápida, fabulosa para el entrenamiento cardio. Al ser toda de plástico me preocupaba la calidad pero, una vez en la mano, las dudas se disipan. Ya la he probado y va de cine: Muy rápida, de tacto agradable, el cable no se enrolla, fácil de ajustar... muy buena para el precio que tiene.
rating es lo que me esperaba - Compra verificada en

Verónica on 2019-10-04

es perfecta para lo que la compre, teniendo en cuenta lo mal que se me da saltar a la comba y que era mas fácil en mi cabeza de lo que es en la práctica, pero no cejare en mi empeño de saltar como los profesionaleses muy facil de graduar el tamaño y de manejar pero quiero dejar claro que no es la opinión de una experta saltadora que vaya a darle muy rápido
rating Genial calidad/precio - Compra verificada en

Usuario de Amazon on 2018-12-31

Se trata de un producto muy bueno por a penas 10€, el cable es duro y los rodamientos funcionan bien. Una opción perfecta para tener una comba de velocidad propia que llevar a entrenar. Repetiré cuando se me rompa
rating Comba Crossfit - Compra verificada en

GaRcA on 2018-12-29

Fue difícil decidir porque hay muchas similares pero esta me gusto por los colores blancos de los mangos. La verdad es que después de usarla es una comba excelente, le he puesto diferentes ajustes porque soy bajita y se ajusta perfectamente sin desenroscarse la pieza metálica (ya me había pasado con otras). La cuerda tiene un recubrimiento de plástico para que el cable no haga tanto daño ni dañe el suelo, gira muy bien para alcanzar rapidez y lo mejor de todo es el peso de los manguitos. En otras combas los mangos son demasiado ligeros y no tienes ese control que se necesita para saltar a buen ritmo. Esta comba tiene unos mangos con una parte interior como de aluminio o algo así que hace que los mangos sean algo pesados y le da un equilibrio muy bueno. Como detalle viene con una bolsa, viene de lujo, aunque es cierto que muchas la traen. En definitiva buena comba para el precio y la calidad que tiene.
rating Buenas y resistentes - Compra verificada en

Cliente Amazon on 2018-12-30

Magnífico producto, son unas combas muy buenas, me gustan y funciona muy bien el dispositivo que tiene de giro libre. Es el segundo producto que compro de esta marca y me están sorprendiendo gratamente
rating Comba crossfit - Compra verificada en

ADRIAN on 2019-03-23

Una buena comba con un peso ideal para mantener un buen ritmo en el salto. Todo correcto y según lo esperado
rating Tal cual! - Compra verificada en

Cliente Amazon on 2019-08-13

Ideal para hacer ejercicio, no pesa nada y el envoltorio casi no ocupa. Me ha encantado la compra que he realizado!
rating ligera y cómoda - Compra verificada en

Cliente Amazon on 2019-03-21

muy ligera, no hace nudos y facil de guardar
rating Muy ligera - Compra verificada en

Cliente Amazon on 2019-02-07

Esta muy bien. Por precio y calidad. Muy ligera. Buena compra
rating Recomendable - Compra verificada en

Andres Cebrian on 2019-02-06

Buena calidad a un precio muy ajustado.
rating Buena comba para realizar los dobles. - Compra verificada en

Fran on 2019-02-21

Muy buena relación calidad-precio
rating No se puede pedir más - Compra verificada en

Mar Garcia on 2020-04-12

rating Contenta - Compra verificada en

Robi on 2019-02-15

Muy contenta :)
rating Buena comba - Compra verificada en

MSC on 2018-12-20

La usa mi marido en el jardín y está encantado. Pequeña ligera y muy rapida, el logo se borra un poco pero en funcionalidad está encantado.
rating Velocidad, uso y resistencia - Compra verificada en

José A González Reyes on 2019-03-07

Muy buen producto. Hay que ajustar la longitud de la comba, cortar el sobrante dejando unos centímetros de margen y tapar los extremos con los taponcitos (yo lo hice así al menos). ¡Y hay que acostumbrase un poco, pero vale la pena!
rating Funciona perfectamente, sencillo y efecaz - Compra verificada en

Salas03 on 2019-05-03

Los puños están construidos en plástico, rotan perfectamente y la longitud del cable es fácilmente regulable incluso con la mano, soy novato saltando a la comba pero me parece que funciona muy bien
rating Excelente - Compra verificada en

Mar on 2019-02-20

He comprado ya varias cosas de esta marca y todo genial, tienen una relación calidad precio increíble, repetiría sin duda
rating Calidad precio inmejorable - Compra verificada en

Alberto Aznar on 2019-01-02

Una comba de velocidad que cumple perfectamente su función. Por el precio que tiene está de cine. Viene con una bolsita de transporte que es bastante cómoda para transportarla enrrollada sin que sea un jaleo en la bolsa. Gran compra!
rating Encantada con mi compra. - Compra verificada en

ROSA on 2019-02-22

Como es ajustable, la usan incluso mis hijos para jugar o para entrenar. Diseño moderno y muy práctico. Vendedor recomendable.
rating calidad-precio genial - Compra verificada en

Cliente Amazon on 2019-02-04

cuerda muy cómoda, es ligera, fácil de transportar. Tiene la ventaja con respecto a otras que no se enreda y que es ajustable para una mayor comodidad del deportista
rating Comba rápida - Compra verificada en

angel on 2019-07-10

Va muy bien de momento...tiene poco uso pero se ve resistente y de buena calidad...
rating Gran comba de CrossFit - Compra verificada en

Nacho on 2019-02-14

Es un producto de calidad, fabricado con buenos materiales, regulable en altura fácilmente lo cual es muy importante ya que lo puede usar toda la familia.
rating eficacia - Compra verificada en

ernesto on 2020-03-31

es un producto perfecto buen precio y utilidad
rating Calidad precio muy buena - Compra verificada en

Diego Rivero on 2019-06-26

Es ligera,y lo que no que no tiene para poner peso
rating Ideal calidad-precio - Compra verificada en

ana isabel Fernandez Sanchez on 2019-04-23

Es exactamente lo que quería. Funciona correctamente
rating Muy profesional. - Compra verificada en

Gonnzalo Enrique de Francisco Meirelles on 2019-11-02

Cumple muy bien con la función.
rating mas que correcto - Compra verificada en

sergi on 2020-04-21

todo como esta especificado,muy bien
rating Perfecto - Compra verificada en

jose r. on 2019-12-10

rating Calidad-Precio - Compra verificada en

Sofia Gonzalez on 2020-01-29

Son livianas, baratas y útiles, una excelente compra para comenzar a practicar tus primeros dobles????!
rating Bien validad precio - Compra verificada en

Meri on 2019-01-18

Buena comba CrossFit. Ayuda a mejorar la calidad de los entrenamientos. Llevo usándola unas semanas y de momento ningún problema. Ágil y coge buena velocidad sin pillarse.
rating Buena relación calidad-precio!! - Compra verificada en

JUAN CARLOS on 2020-04-27

Buena relación calidad-precio!!
rating Muy practica - Compra verificada en

Antonio Vázquez on 2020-05-09

Ha sido un acierto para hacer deporte durante el confinamiento. Es cómodo poder acortar o alargar el tamaño para que la puedan usar distintas personas. Hay que tener cuidado al usarla para que no te de latigazos
rating Buena comba de Cross fit - Compra verificada en

Pinche on 2020-07-11

La comba es perfecta!!! Increíble la calidad y sobre todo lo bien que va .Fácil de manejar y hace su función.
rating Para principiantes perfecta - Compra verificada en

Cliente Amazon on 2020-04-26

Me ha gustado mucho en una semana pase de no saber hacer más de tres saltos a mantenerme durante al menos un minuto a una velocidad muy buena, para hacer sesión de cardio en POCO ESPACIO es PERFECTA
rating Calidad y fácil de usar. - Compra verificada en

Virginia on 2020-04-24

Muy buen producto.
rating Buena calidad - Compra verificada en

Manuel González Botella on 2020-05-26

Muy buena calidad y muy comoda de usarse
rating Magnífica! - Compra verificada en

Pablo Moreno on 2020-05-07

No pesa nada, fácil de ajustar y rápida. Hay que apretar bien los tornillos para ajustarla pero eso no es un problema. Los dobles salen bastante bien.Me ha encantado
rating bien pero simple - Compra verificada en

David on 2020-04-19

bien pero simple
rating Calidad baja. Poco resistente - Compra verificada en

sara on 2020-04-28

Buscaba una cuerda para realizar ejercicios básicos en casa.El primer día el tornillo ajustable se soltó. Es de calidad muy baja con respecto al precio que estás pagando.
rating Muy endeble - Compra verificada en

jorge on 2020-04-29

Sirve para un uso normal, pero es muy endeble. Se le va el tornillo, se ha caido en varias ocasiones y la calidad es la justa.
rating A quality jump rope - Compra verificada en

Claire & Steve on 2020-03-21

A decent quality jump rope that’s reasonably well made, well presented and reasonably well packagedIt comes in a handy drawstring mesh bag for a little added securityIt’s about 3 metres in length, adjustable and seems to be a durable training aidIt’s good value for money and worth a try
rating Excellent quality - Compra verificada en

Saf Saj on 2020-03-27

For the month this is expensive. Well made and great quality. You even get a mesh storage bag which is great. Would’ve preferred some weighted handles so can get an easier grip, as the smaller thin handles can lost grip easily. But can’t complain, it’s a good rope, professional quality.
rating Good quality - Compra verificada en

CtrlAltDel on 2020-02-10

Great skipping road that lets you build up some great speed. Best not to use it around children or pets. The length is adjustable and once you've got it measured, you can cut off the ends. Works as expected and have no complaints. 5 stars.
rating Good quality skipping rope - Compra verificada en

Pixel Chick on 2020-02-29

I do some skipping ever so often however I’m not really good at it. I had a cheap one at home which didn’t make it easier.I find this skipping jump rope lightweight and it does not tangle as it’s a coated steal cable.Can only recommend if you want a skip it rope to keep fit this one is certainly a good choice.
rating good quality for the price. suitable for fast jump - Compra verificada en

Budding Artist on 2020-02-27

I ordered this so I could try do some skipping with my partner.QualityThe rope is made from pvc coated steel cable.The handle is made from thin-ish plastic. While it feels good quality, it's a bit thing for my huge hands.UsageI can skip faster than I can jump. Woo! Then ouch. As the rope hurts if it hits you at high speed. While it may not be suitable for my amateur skills it would be pretty good for a trained athlete.Cost and conclusionAt £10 it's good quality for the price. I would recommend to any person able to skip well.
rating Lightweight and comfortable skipping rope - Compra verificada en

Bachu on 2020-02-18

I use this skipping rope to warm up before my workouts. The carrying bag is very lightweight, easily portable and does not take up a lot of room in my gym bag. The handles feel a little cheap but still provides a stable grip. The skipping rope comes in two colours that lets you have a vibrant red or sleek black design. The rope is replaceable as the handles can be taken off which makes them affordable in the long run and lets you change the colours to your preference. The skipping rope does not tangle in your bag so you do not have to waste time untangling your skipping rope before your workout. It is very easy to control in the air and move without much resistant due to its thin stature which also makes it easy to pack into small compartments.If you are serious about skipping then grab your self a pair!
rating Light n fast - Compra verificada en

JMB1779 on 2020-04-21

Light and fast rope that is well made and comes with a storage bagYou can adjust the length to use and size and overall we think it is good value for money.
rating Very good rope but the new ones with weighted handles are even better - Compra verificada en

bomble on 2020-03-05

Not long ago I would have rated this a five star as there are a lot of these speed ropes on the market and I have tried many of them. I organise a fitness club at my workplace and we use them quite a lot.But recently I have found a couple of other speed ropes that are even better with optionally-weighted handles and a self locking adjustment mechanism for a few quid more so now I consider this design to be good but not exceptional.These give a great, portable workout tool but now I have tried the competition I know there are better options out there.
rating Soddisfatta - Compra verificada en

Carmela Pennacchio on 2020-04-18

Spedizione e consegna perfetti, la corda non è robustissima ma credo giusta per il prezzo pagato. Nel complesso soddisfatta.
rating Don't spin as freely as I'd hoped - Compra verificada en

Wolfwoman on 2020-01-31

The Earwaves jump rope doesn't spin as freely as it should and can, occasionally, throw off one's rhythm when skipping rope. Although the PVC wire is very thin, it's still a bit stiff. Additionally, the means be which the rope length is adjusted seemed kind of cheap.I'll be looking for a different skipping rope, preferably one where the rope feeds straight into the handle.
rating Not bad for a tenner - Compra verificada en

Straightforward on 2020-03-08

There's many good things about this rope, but I have a major problem with the handles - they are too thin for me to hold comfortably (and I don't have enormous hands or anything). I have put a massive amount of duct tape on it, which has made it much easier to use.Adjusting the length is a breeze, and you don't need tools to do it. The rope itself goes really fast through the air, and makes a really cool noise as it cuts through the air.If the rope is adjusted really short, there is a lot of length left at the handles - this isn't convenient.Overall it's not bad for a tenner.
rating Skipping rope for excersize - Compra verificada en

Jay Rainbow on 2020-03-10

This is a decent skipping wire for adults for use during specific types of excersize. Not as cheap as some but it does seem well made and certainly is a good length and strength for regular use
rating Good lightweight skipping rope - Compra verificada en

A on 2020-02-17

This is a good skipping rope very lightweight and easy to use but the holders keep moving from the rope something and that makes you stop training . Otherwise good
rating Superb - Compra verificada en

Puff of joy on 2020-02-25

This is a really well made solid skipping rope ideal for home fitness. It's a nice smooth swing and a good size. Nice comfortable handles and lightweight.
rating Lightweight and fast - Compra verificada en

Offtheplanet on 2020-02-28

This is an anti tangle steel cable skipping rope with PVC coating and plastic handles.I wasn't over keen on the feel of the handles but they are non slip and the bearings allow fast 360° turning so they are ideal for crossfit, allowing for rapid increase in speedThey come with a decent storage bag and the complete item is lightweight.Good value and recommended
rating It's good but.. - Compra verificada en

nikki on 2020-02-01

Versatile aluminum, PVC coated jump rope.Packaged and presented perfectly in a mesh drawstring bag.Contents within the mesh bag are, jump rope and a note about the item.The mesh bag is brilliant quality and perfect for storing your rope in too. The top of the mesh bag is a pull string with a plastic lock cap to keep it closed.The jump rope is designed well. The rope is 3M in length. It's nice and lightweight. The inner wire is aluminum steel and then it is coated in black PVC plastic too. The rope itself is adjustable. The rope is also anti tangle, which is a relief knowing you can pop it in your bag without a worry for neatness.The handles are made of black plastic. These are also lightweight. These are 16 centimeters each and circular shaped. These handles are quite slim. The base of them is quite small and it gradually gets wider near the top but not too wide. These handles rotate 360 degrees on the rope.Above the handles you can use the screw and undo it a little just enough so it can slide up and down, this is how you adjust the length of the rope. Tighten back up to keep in place. Although this has room for a screwdriver, it's easily done with hands but maybe for extra security tighten it in place fully when you're satisfied with the length.I would personally have preferred a wider handle. It's a little disappointing to have such a slim handle on such a good rope which therefore effects the grip. I will be adding foam to this to help get a better grip. I'm also unsure what to do with the excess length, I dont know whether to cut it off or not.I do like how it's designed. It picks up speed amazingly. Because of how the handles rotate, it makes it brilliant for certain exercises with the rope too. It will be used, but after the handles are made a little thicker.Overall it's a good skipping rope but wider handles are preferred and maybe additional information about what to do with the excess length.
rating perfect for home fitness - Compra verificada en

its only me x on 2020-03-24

my son use to go boxing but has stopped his membership so this is a great bit of kit to add to his home work out equipment
rating Corda fitness - Compra verificada en

Emonte Luciano Emanuele on 2020-04-03

rating Great once adjusted - Compra verificada en

Alex Jukes on 2020-02-12

It took me quite a few goes to get the length of the rope just right for me but once I was there the rope is great. It's really light nice to hold. It has small handles so packs away easily. I wouldn't want to share this rope as once you've got it set right for you it is a bit of a pain altering it.
rating Comes in a nice bag too - Compra verificada en

Ploomy on 2020-02-02

Seems a bit odd to have the thumb screws to adjust the length but they work well.Nicely presented in a pull corded mesh bag. I've tried a few ropes and this one certainly compares well with others. Usual size and design of handles, which are thin but comfortable to hold.
rating Very good - Compra verificada en

Philomena(Cheekypee) on 2020-02-07

Really good product from earwaves. The rope is plastic coated wire which is quick and easy to adjust. Nicely lightweight handles with a smooth non sticking bearing rotation. Comes complete with instructions and storage bag. Great value for money .
rating Good quality - Compra verificada en

Renaissance Rises on 2020-02-10

Great skipping road that lets you build up some great speed. Best not to use it around children or pets. The length is adjustable and once you've got it measured, you can cut off the ends. Works as expected and have no complaints. 5 stars.
rating Jump rope - Compra verificada en

kehs on 2020-02-07

I like that this jump rope is easy to adjust. It means any member of the family can use it. The rope and handles seem very sturdy. It comes in a drawstring bag.
rating Doesn’t tangle! - Compra verificada en

SASSY on 2020-02-11

This comes in a handy little bag,It’s easy to adjust the length,Very light,It doesn’t tangle up,Easy to use,Well made
rating Training - Compra verificada en

linda sumner on 2019-12-29

Perfect for Boxing training
rating It's good but.. - Compra verificada en

nikki on 2020-02-01

Versatile aluminum, PVC coated jump rope.Packaged and presented perfectly in a mesh drawstring bag.Contents within the mesh bag are, jump rope and a note about the item.The mesh bag is brilliant quality and perfect for storing your rope in too. The top of the mesh bag is a pull string with a plastic lock cap to keep it closed.The jump rope is designed well. The rope is 3M in length. It's nice and lightweight. The inner wire is aluminum steel and then it is coated in black PVC plastic too. The rope itself is adjustable. The rope is also anti tangle, which is a relief knowing you can pop it in your bag without a worry for neatness.The handles are made of black plastic. These are also lightweight. These are 16 centimeters each and circular shaped. These handles are quite slim. The base of them is quite small and it gradually gets wider near the top but not too wide. These handles rotate 360 degrees on the rope.Above the handles you can use the screw and undo it a little just enough so it can slide up and down, this is how you adjust the length of the rope. Tighten back up to keep in place. Although this has room for a screwdriver, it's easily done with hands but maybe for extra security tighten it in place fully when you're satisfied with the length.I would personally have preferred a wider handle. It's a little disappointing to have such a slim handle on such a good rope which therefore effects the grip. I will be adding foam to this to help get a better grip. I'm also unsure what to do with the excess length, I dont know whether to cut it off or not.I do like how it's designed. It picks up speed amazingly. Because of how the handles rotate, it makes it brilliant for certain exercises with the rope too. It will be used, but after the handles are made a little thicker.Overall it's a good skipping rope but wider handles are preferred and maybe additional information about what to do with the excess length.
rating Amazing performance and great quality professional equipment - Compra verificada en

Andrew and his Cats on 2020-02-09

Wow, my first professional skipping rope. This product comes in really lovely pack and reminds me of professional training equipment i've seen at the Olympics. A friend is a professional athlete and showed it to her for her views as they count in my eyes (she has competed for Great Britain). She agreed with me this is a well made and thought through design, which has resulted in a really good bit of kit. It works by providing a very friction free coupling between the grip handles and the coated wire . She as have I done a lot of exercise work and i have to say these are a must have item in the gym kit. Highly recommended. Andrew
rating Lightweight, fast and can be adjusted to you required size. - Compra verificada en

ShayneyH on 2020-01-30

This is lightweight, which is perfect for quick skipping and CrossFit. You are able to adjust and change the size of the rope, going from a long rope for a tall person, down to a shorter rope. This is brilliant as I am able to use this myself, plus my son is also able to use the same one (being shorter than me) as he is now doing boxing and this is ideal. Because of how thing it is, if you’re doing it quite fast, ensure you’re wearing shoes as it can give a nice whack to your foot. Plus, it came in a nice bag than I’m using for other things.
rating know how to skip before you use this as it hurts when it hits you - Compra verificada en

Kam on 2020-02-03

this is a very good product, superbly well made, but i think it should come with some sort of warning that you need to be reasonably good at skipping before taking this one on. i am ok at skipping but this requires you be better than that to us to its full potential as it hurts when it hits you on the misstep due to the fact it's metal and travels very fast.i think if you are a good skipper, you will love this and will feel the benefits. if you are only average, give this a miss as it's not for you.
rating Good rope for a good price - Compra verificada en

Silvia on 2020-02-02

I use this rope for crossfit and it is great.I like the fact that you can adjust the length for your hight.So far the rope does spin 360 easily without any problem and fast.The rope doesn't tangle but I also put it in the pocket of my gym bag away from anything else.The rope is lightweight and easy to carry.A cheap option for a good product.
rating good vale easy to adjust - Compra verificada en

Thrud Fan on 2020-02-02

A plastic coated wire skipping rope with an easy to adjust length, even at the slow speed I can skip at it gets the heart pumping. It's light and comes in a small bag to stop it tangling up with everything else. Only down side is if you adjust the length too short the excess length flaps around and can get caught when you skip, you could cut this off but then you can't length the rope if you want to.
rating Small Handles - Compra verificada en

S. Porter on 2020-02-03

This rope is flexible, easy to adjust and the bearings give the rope a really smooth rotation. Whilst being able to adjust the rope length is great, the excess is still there and unsecured so it can flail around and rap your fingers when you jump. The handles are generally well constructed but I find them a little too small. In spite of these minor irks, this is a good product.
rating Don't spin as freely as I'd hoped - Compra verificada en

Wolfwoman on 2020-01-31

The Earwaves jump rope doesn't spin as freely as it should and can, occasionally, throw off one's rhythm when skipping rope. Although the PVC wire is very thin, it's still a bit stiff. Additionally, the means be which the rope length is adjusted seemed kind of cheap.I'll be looking for a different skipping rope, preferably one where the rope feeds straight into the handle.
rating easy to adjust, use and carry with you - Compra verificada en

Mrs. A. Wright on 2020-01-29

I am by no means a speed skipper but going at my own pace I can usually get my pulse up quite quickly so I use this at intervals during my workout for that very reason. Find they are easy to adjust to suit my small size. They come with a small storage bag so easy to take away with me. Like them very much
rating Bassa qualità - Compra verificada en

Mik3la on 2020-10-24

Niente di che purtroppo dopo una settimana la corda si è consumata ed è rimasta la fune di acciaio...
rating Ottima corda per allenamento - Compra verificada en

Cliente Amazon on 2020-05-03

Veloci tempi di consegna del prodotto.Molto utile e lo consiglio davvero.
rating Perfect quality - Compra verificada en

Anastasia Solovjova on 2020-04-29

Very easy to use and adjust!!!Love it❤️The quality is perfect
rating Good product, good value for money - Compra verificada en

Maria Mesquida on 2020-04-29

We did a lot of research before buying this as we wanted a good quality skipping rope. It’s very light weight, comes in a neat packaging and the thin rope itself was in perfect condition.However the writing on the handle was all smudged and looked scratched. Like it had been used before, hence the 4 star.Other than that, it’s a great product and defo recommend.I guess don’t really mind if it was used before, trying to be environmentally friendly and that.


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