We appeared in the Territoro Pyme section of the newspaper Cinco Días, the economy and business section of the newspaper El País, in an article entitled "The SMEs that the coronavirus has been good for". That's saying a lot, and we could change it to "The SMEs that have survived the coronavirus" , but we were excited about the recognition!
We are mentioned in the report on SMEs in Spain that Amazon launches every year as a reference in this segment. "The SMEs that the coronavirus has been good for". That's saying a lot, and we could change it to "The SMEs that have survived the coronavirus" , but we were excited about the recognition!
We had the great honor of being invited to participate in the EsRadio radio program #mundoemprende sharing the program with the founders of Glovo, Bloom Gourmet and Fellow Funders, and we were able to give a little visibility not only to Earwaves but also to Crossfit. You can hear our minutes of glory on this podcast from 52:50!
Amazon and IE University launch Despega, a program to promote the growth and digitalization of more than 50,000 Spanish SMEs after the pandemic, which has the collaboration of institutions such as ICEX, CEPYME and AECOC. We had the pleasure of collaborating in the initiative by contributing our testimony on the agenda of these video courses