Discover our jump ropes designed for the best performance in singles, doubles and even triple unders. Different options, designed for athletes of any level. Find the most suitable for you.

Showing 1 - 16 of 16 items
  • 38,60 € In Stock
    High-speed competition rope made of anodized aluminum and with omnidirectional bearings. One of the most resistant, comfortable and durable jump ropes on the market.
  • 38,60 € Out of stock
    Out of stock
    High-speed competition rope made of anodized aluminum and with omnidirectional bearings. One of the most resistant, comfortable and durable jump ropes on the market.
  • 29,80 € In Stock
    High-speed resin rope with super light 360º omnidirectional bearings and an adjustable steel cable of 3 meters in length. 
  • 12,90 € In Stock
    Plastic speed rope with light 360º bearings and an adjustable steel rope of 3 meters in length. Perfect  for your first double unders.
  • 38,90 € Out of stock
    Out of stock
    The Whirl® Rope has a new improved system with a high quality construction to improve your DU. You can get smoother and faster jumps. In addition, it includes extra cable and screw replacements. 
  • 38,90 € Out of stock
    Out of stock
    The Whirl® Rope has a new improved system with a high quality construction to improve your DU. You can get smoother and faster jumps. In addition, it includes extra cable and screw replacements. 
  • 38,90 € Out of stock
    Out of stock
    The Whirl® Rope has a new improved system with a high quality construction to improve your DU. You can get smoother and faster jumps. In addition, it includes extra cable and screw replacements. 
Showing 1 - 16 of 16 items


Jump Ropes

Nowadays, sports like Crossfit have become a lifestyle for many. When it comes to performing aerobic endurance exercises in our WODs, jumping ropes for Crossfit are perfect for increasing your physical capacity and strengthening the lower body. They are also a classic choice for high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and metcon WODs.

Why Jump Rope Exercise?

Jumping rope is one of the least harmful exercises for the joints. It puts less stress on the knees and joints compared to activities like running. Additionally, with proper technique, it helps maintain a correct posture and keep the trunk upright. Jumping with slightly bent knees reduces the impact and engages the leg muscles. Using a jump rope in Crossfit is an excellent warm-up exercise and a common component of metabolic WODs with the famous Double Unders. If you want to perform Double Unders smoothly without them being an obstacle in your routines, you should start by choosing a suitable Crossfit jump rope that helps you achieve efficient DU performance in any quantity for any WOD. Believe it or not, the material of the jump rope is essential for smooth movement around your body. Don't rely solely on having the best hand grips, wrist wraps, or knee sleeves, consider the jump rope as another accessory you should take into account.

Should I Buy a Crossfit Jump Rope if I Can Borrow One at the BOX?

A mistake we often don't realize until we've been practicing Crossfit for a while is not getting our own jump rope and relying on the ones provided at the BOX. This doesn't mean that the jump ropes at the BOX are of poor quality, but they tend to wear out quickly due to intensive use by many people. Jump ropes are not as durable as weight plates or barbells. Therefore, acquiring a high-quality jump rope of your own is a HUGE step towards preventing issues with Double Unders and truly progressing. Trust us! ;)

Choosing an appropriate jump rope can help us:

  • Avoid injuries caused by poor jumping technique
  • Optimize our efforts and not waste energy during training

When evaluating a jump rope for crossfit, factors such as the type of training, the ergonomics of the rope, and its durability come into play. Going into more detail, we can also consider the material of the handles and the adjustment system and length of the rope, which we will discuss further later on. The jump rope's cable has a special steel matrix with a thickness of about 2.5 mm, covered with PVC material, known for its resistance and durability. These materials provide us with the ability to control and perform precise movements without the rope tangling or making it significantly challenging. With jump ropes of these characteristics, we can achieve those double jumps, or even triple jumps! Knowing all this, it is highly important that the rope is in good condition. Ropes that have been heavily used tend to deform or tangle, losing a significant part of their ergonomics and hindering us from jumping with "flow".

Important features to consider when choosing a crossfit jump rope

As we mentioned before, Double Unders become more difficult if you don't have the right tool. That's why it's essential to know what to consider to ensure that the jump rope is suitable for achieving the goal of any aspiring athlete. Here's what you should keep in mind to determine whether a jump rope is the right choice:

  • Weight and thickness of the jump rope:

    The weight and thickness of the rope go hand in hand, as the lighter the weight, the thinner the rope. The standard and recommended thickness is the one we mentioned earlier, 2.5 mm of special steel. However, you should consider the weight so that the rope's speed is more comfortable for your shoulders and faster when rotating. To start in crossfit training, heavier ropes or at least ones covered in PVC instead of bare steel could be used. This helps the shoulder get accustomed to it.
  • The length of the rope

    The length depends on our height. It is usually recommended to measure it by stepping on the rope with the tips of our toes, bringing our feet together, and gripping it up to our chest. The handles should reach nipple height. In the case of beginners, the height should be a little higher than our chest. And for advanced athletes, a few centimeters less are usually preferred.
  • The handles:

    These are located at the end of the rope, i.e., the area where you can grip the jump rope. The main consideration for handles is that they should be comfortable for the athlete, as well as made of a material that doesn't make us sweat excessively. If the handle slips, it will slow down the rhythm and reduce the grip, synchronization, and fluidity of the movement, and we might fail. If that happens and you still like the rope, you can cover the handles with tape; even if you sweat, they won't move. Some models have rubber grips to facilitate grip regardless of sweat.

Types of jump ropes based on their diameter

  • 2.5mm jump ropes, ideal for quick jumps:

They are mainly used for "speed jump," which means quick jumps and multiple jumps in a single turn of the rope. This type of jump rope is not recommended for beginners because we don't have as much control over the rope and its rotations as with thicker ropes. An advanced athlete will benefit more from this type of jump rope. They also cause less muscle fatigue, making them very suitable for competitions. This is the type of jump rope used in our discipline and in our Earwaves range.

  • 4mm jump ropes

This type of jump rope increases the sense of control over the rope and is widely used in boxing and martial arts. With this type of jump rope, you can also perform quick jumps, but they are more suitable for endurance training. The durability of this type of jump rope is higher because the rope is thicker, resulting in less wear and tear.

Summary buying guide for crossfit jump ropes

In summary, there are specific steps to follow when deciding on a jump rope for crossfit:

    • The material and surface of the cable are the most important. This leads to the weight and air resistance of the rope.
    • If you use plastic or soft materials for jump ropes to start, that's perfect.

Crossfit Jump Rope Buying Guide Summary

In summary, you should follow a series of specific steps when deciding on a jump rope for crossfit:

      • The most important factor is the material and surface of the cable, which leads us to the weight and air resistance of the rope.
      • If you're starting out, it's perfect to use jump ropes made of plastic or soft materials.
      • On the other hand, if the cable is thin and made of high-density material, you'll have a jump rope that provides great speed.
      • Rubber ropes are suitable for beginners, unlike metal ropes.
      • If you've mastered double unders (DU) and are looking for an advanced crossfit jump rope, opt for a 2.5mm metal cable.
      • For boxing and martial arts, 4mm jump ropes are much more practical for the intended purpose, but not for CrossFit.
      • The handles should be comfortable. Metal handles are usually the most comfortable.
      • If you train outdoors, it's worth choosing 4mm ropes made of hard and heavy materials. Jumping on uneven surfaces damages competition ropes.
      • Consider your goal. If you want speed and optimal performance in double unders with good technique, always go for speed jump ropes like the ones we manufacture.

Best Crossfit Jump Ropes by Earwaves

Let's take a quick look at a series of highly accessible jump ropes we've come across before deciding on one:

Earwaves R3 Jump Rope

The ultimate beginner jump rope. It has an aluminum cable and comfortable, lightweight plastic handles. With a 2mm cable, it's more than suitable for double unders and speed jumps. A basic jump rope without flaws, perfect for practicing single and double unders.

Earwaves Dash Jump Rope

Lightweight jump rope made of durable resin weighing less than 28g, with a PVC-coated metal cable. It's self-adjustable and ideal for double unders. This jump rope offers high-speed performance at all levels, with a perfect balance of weights in the handles despite not being metal. It comes with an additional cable and spare screws so you won't have to change your jump rope for years.

Earwaves Momentum & Whirl Jump Ropes

This is our top-of-the-line jump rope. It's an ultra-lightweight high-speed jump rope made of aluminum with an auto-adjustable cable and omnidirectional bearings. It's a competition-grade jump rope with maximum durability for men or women, perfect for CrossFit or any other fitness or functional discipline. It comes with an additional cable and spare screws so you won't have to change your jump rope for years.
